On ehk kohati lame väita, et mingi film või laul on sinu elust nagu Sina oleksidki nii lihtsakoeline või läbinähtav, et sind saaks mahutada siis kas 3 minuti või pooleteise tunni sisse. Siiski pean aga tõdema, et kui ma tulin täna poest koju, polnud esimene asi, mida ma korterikaaslasele rääkisin, mitte see, kuidas ma naeruväärselt müüja ees oma viimaseid sente kokku lugesin, kuidas ma käisin poes pool tundi ühe leti juurest teise juurde, kuidas ma nägin ühte väga vinget soengut, vaid see, kuidas ma leidsin oma laulu. Laulu, mis tõepoolest võib mind hetkel mahutada 3 minuti sisse.
Ning nii ongi - kas või see nv pidin seda korduvalt tõestama.
well, to me, this song is about a girl who has been doing everything by herself her entire life. she's never had someone to actually rely on, so she got used to being independent and to managing things on her own. and now here he is - the boy who wants to help her, who wants to cook her dinner and who wants to be with her.
and she just can't let go of her old habits, even though he seems to understand her and even though he seems to be perfect for her. she just can't stay and has to move on on her own. which is pretty sad. but I love the lyrics.
Rated 0 I agree with romankazimir2003; the lines "she's sewing seeds, she's burning trees" seem to state that she first turns their world around and then leaves them with nothing. She doesn't realize that when you sew seeds a consequence is that a tree grows from that, methaphorically speaking. She's kind of all over the place.
It just seems to me that she's young and free-spirited, being the indepent girl who enjoys her freedom and shouldn't get into a relationship because she will never be able to make the commitment it requires. She's a tough one.
I think that this song is about a girl who is independent, popular and dynamic. She's hurt by someone but she cannot show it because she has the rep of a "super girl" and has to do everything right and live her life like she has no problems at all...
veebruar 06, 2011
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